Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sin Expectativas....

Tratando de ver el mundo con otros ojos....
Tratando de sentir con otros sentimientos o sin ellos....
Con planes a futuro en temas serios...
Y tratando de no planear ni pensar en otros tantos no tan serios....

Tratando, dejándolo ser...
Going with the flow....
And all the carpe diem stuff...

Y aunque esa no soy yo....
Estoy tratando....
Por el bien de la humanidad...
Por mi bien...
Tratando de no sentir...

Menos emoción...
Menos pasión...

Trying to be happy with the cards that I have been dealt...
Tratando sin comprometer....
Sin prometer...
Sin esperar...
Sin arriesgar...
Sin pasión...

Keep it safe...
Keep it simple...

Dándole vueltas y vueltas a esas frases...
Y forzándome a no pensar en ellas...

Don't expect...

Just keep on going...
Just keep on walking...
Reminding myself how to breath....
Allowing myself to be reckless....
And stopping myself from regretting past events...

Just keep on going...
Just keep on walking....
Holding my head up high...
And don't looking back...

Hopefully at the end I will learn...
And I will be doing all this without struggleing with myself...
I will learn...
I should learn...
Life might be much easier if I do it this way....

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