Wednesday, January 28, 2009


... Because some ties, are simply, meant to be....

What do you think?

The end of one chapter of my favorite tv series.... Grey's Anatomy...

Is it true? Really?

When I heard it in the soft voice of Meredith Grey I found myself shouting at the tv saying... "Noooo! Please don't tell me that...."

Now that I re think it... It is not so bad, as you know there are ties of all kinds....
But we are only focusing on the relationship ones, is it true?
Are we bond for ever with every single person that comes and goes into our lifes?
Or are we only bond to the ones we want?
Or perhaps that is something that just happens to us, perhaps we don't get to choose...

I will give you the benefit of the doubt...
At first, perhaps we don't get to choose....

But I think at the end, we can cut the bond with a deep hurtful cut...

The problem now is...
In fact, how sure are we about disappearing the bond?
Are we really willing to go through all that pain?
Is it worth it?
Will it be worth it?

Don't know...
As always....
It all depends on something else...

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